Some 150 guests, drawn from Aviation Club UK members and delegates attending the Airline Economics Growth Frontiers Dublin 2022 Conference gathered on Sunday 8 May at the intercontinental, Dublin for the third edition of the Aviation Club of the UK’s ‘Dublin Dinner’. American businessman and industry figure head Steven Udvar-Hazy joined the gathering as guest of honour and spoke about discussed the present position of aviation leasing and shared his personal views on the current and short-term future of the market. Previous events have welcomed guest speakers Willie Walsh and Gus Kelley, Aircap.
‘The Dublin Dinner has established itself as a popular and important event on the Club’s annual events programme. The pandemic meant a cancellation in 2021 and several date changes to this year’s event, but the increased attendance numbers of 150 from 85 in 2020, demonstrate the value in face-to-face networking and the appetite and appreciation for the much welcomed return to physical events.’ Said club Chairman Karl Brunjes. He went on to thank the generous ongoing support of the Bank of China and Airline Economics, without whom the dinner would not be possible. A recording of Steve Udvar-Hazy’s speech is available at The Aviation Club UK Speakers.
The next Aviation Club lunch will be held on Thursday 16 June at the RAC, London, with guest speaker Stan Deal, President and CEO Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Tickets are available for members and their guests from the club website –